Soul Insight Sessions & Intuitive Consultations

Integrating Faith and Intuition: A Holistic Approach to Coaching/Consulting and Spiritual Insight

My coaching practice is rooted in evidence-based methodologies, drawing on tools such as Positive Psychology, Cognitive Behavioral Coaching, Acceptance & Commitment Coaching, Motivational Interviewing, Appreciative Inquiry, Immunity to Change, Goal Setting & Visualization, Strengths & Values, and Health & Wellness Skills & Training.

What sets my practice apart is the unique integration of logic and science (the head) with spirituality (the heart). As an Orthodox Christian, I honor the deep traditions of my faith and Syrian heritage while also embracing intuitive insights, new scientific understandings, and my own experience that enrich my coaching practice. Here are some ways I blend these elements:

  • Mindfulness & Managing Emotions: Incorporating techniques to help clients stay present and manage their emotional wellbeing.
  • Deep Intuition and Clairs: Utilizing my intuitive abilities, such as Clairaudience (hearing), Clairvoyance (seeing), Clairsentience (feeling), and Claircognizance (knowing), to provide deeper insights.
  • Soul Insight Sessions: Offering consultations that tap into the Akashic Records, which can reveal profound answers to questions about health, wellness, professional life, life’s purpose, abundance, and family.
The Role of Akashic Records in My Practice

For those seeking a deeper healing experience, an Akashic Records Consultation offers a path to explore. The Akashic Records are believed to be an energetic space where the quantum field of thoughts, emotions, and events about your soul’s journey is stored. This concept aligns with recent discoveries in vacuum physics, suggesting that space is not empty but an information-carrying field (the zero-point field) from which all things arise.

One prominent figure supporting the existence of the Akashic Records is Dr. Ervin Laszlo, a Nobel Peace Prize nominee, who correlates the Akashic Records with the quantum field.

Energy Connection
  1. Quantum Field:The Akashic Records are often associated with the zero-point energy field in quantum physics. This field, sometimes referred to as the “quantum vacuum,” is a foundational aspect of the universe, filled with fluctuating energies that carry information. Laszlo suggests that it acts as a repository of all events and knowledge (YouTube).
  2. Energetic Signature: Every thought, emotion, and action generates a specific energetic signature. When accessing the Akashic Records, practitioners tune into these signatures, allowing them to retrieve information stored in the energetic field. This is similar to how one might tune a radio to a specific frequency to receive a broadcast (Conscious Reminder).

As an Akashic Records Master Practitioner I access this field and help clients find meaningful answers often hidden beneath layers of conditioning and programming. This practice is empowering, as it helps individuals tap into their inner knowledge and wisdom.

Bridging Faith and Intuition

As an Orthodox Christian, my faith guides my values and principles, providing a strong foundation for my work. My exploration of other spiritual modalities, such as the Akashic Records, yoga, energy medicine, and more is not in conflict with my faith but rather complements it. This approach allows me to offer a holistic, compassionate, and deeply personalized coaching experience that honors both the mind and the spirit.

My interest in exploring other faiths and traditions sparked when I lost Michel, an event that profoundly shook my own beliefs. While seeking to fulfill my NBHWC CCEU requirements, I discovered a training program focused on enhancing Coach Presence and Intuition, which included learning about the Akashic Records. Driven by curiosity and a newfound understanding that we don’t have all the answers, I eagerly enrolled in the program and ultimately became a Master Practitioner – and met my continuing education requirements!

Exploring other modalities and being open can profoundly enrich any spiritual tradition by fostering interfaith dialogue, deepening spiritual practices, expanding intellectual horizons, appreciating diverse cultures, and promoting personal growth. Embracing a “this/and” perspective allows Orthodox believers to integrate valuable insights and practices from different sources while maintaining fidelity to core teachings. This approach not only enhances understanding and appreciation of my beliefs but also nurtures a more holistic and spiritually fulfilling journey of faith.

In partnering with me, you will benefit from a unique blend of scientifically grounded techniques and spiritually enriching practices. This combination not only supports your immediate goals but also fosters long-term growth, healing, and fulfillment.

Science without religion is lame, religion without science is blind. – Albert Einstein